Bruce Lee created a martial art called Jeet Kune Do or the Method of Intercepting Fist. However, as well as he knows in martial arts…he is highly regarded for his physical abilities and ripped physique. Bruce Lee’s body has become a symbol of what an action star should look like today.
Let’s face it, audiences are no longer willing to accept an actor in a “muscle suit.” From Brad Pitt to Will Smith — it seems every A-list Hollywood actor has been mimicking Lee’s bumbling but ripped type of physique. What has made him so great is the combination of his workouts and diet program.
Bruce Lee diet plan
Lee has always consumed a lot of high-fiber Chinese food.
Some foods rich in fiber are:
* the fruit
* vegetables,
* the bread ,
* Bean
* pills
These foods are also rich in antioxidants and will help cleanse your body.
Like many bodybuilders today, he usually ate 6 times a day. This kept his blood sugar level stable and his metabolism burning at a higher rate. He was also a big fan of keeping his body adequately hydrated – in general he drank 11 to 12 cups of water a day.
In addition, he learned from his bodybuilder friend… the importance of maintaining a high protein, low carb diet. (Bruce Lee loved protein supplements and would routinely cut back to 1 to 2 protein shakes per day.)
The key to gaining muscle – besides working out…is consuming enough protein. Protein makes up between 15 to 20% of body weight. The bottom line is that protein is indispensable and is the raw material for building muscles and other body tissues.
Of course, casein was one of the most popular protein supplements in its day. Today, we know that whey protein can keep us in a positive nitrogen balance easier and faster than using only casein protein.
Bruce Lee workout
His workouts were intense. Even Joe Weider … “The King of Bodybuilding” noticed that Bruce Lee’s body was light years ahead of his time. Bruce has incorporated many different components into his exercise program. Balanced scales, free weights, yoga, and body weight exercises to name a few. Bruce Lee gave up free weights early on in his training. He felt that having large bodybuilder muscles did not benefit a martial artist. He focused more on what he referred to as “functional strength”.
He realized very early on that isometric exercise was able to provide him with superior strength gains. He also used the “isometric power stand” for a while in his training program. If there is anything that defines Bruce Lee, it is his ability to think outside the box. His mentality…”use what works, discard what doesn’t”- made him an innovator in many different fields.
For example, Bruce used every isometric exercise device available in his training including one that was later called the Tensolator. Using isometric exercise equipment was something he made part of his training routine. And in fact, there are many MMA practitioners today!