Never underestimate the power of yoga!


“Yoga is an invigoration of relaxation. Freedom in routine. Confidence in self-control. Inner energy and energy without.”

What is yoga?

The word ‘yoga’ is derived from the Sanskrit language which means ‘union’. Yoga is a practice that uses postures and breathing techniques to induce relaxation and improve strength. There is a yoga “pose” ~or “asana”~ that offers you to become more aware of your body, your mind, and your environment. There are many types of yoga, from gentle level yoga to more intense yoga like Bikram yoga. Every form of yoga improves your health benefits from head to toe ~ your muscles, bones, and joints.

* Please always consult your physician before attempting any yoga poses and movements or using yoga as a treatment for any injury!

Never underestimate the power of yoga

I started doing yoga a few years ago. I never knew what one solid hour of yoga class could do to your body and especially your mind. When I first entered the class, I said to myself “Here we go, this will be a very easy stretch and stretch without a drop of sweat during this session.” For the first few minutes of my yoga “warm-up”, surprisingly, I could feel drops of sweat rolling down my back.

The mind can heal the body ~ namaste

I find it to be true that all yoga makes people more accepting and loving towards themselves and their body. Often, you don’t need an intense cardio, kickboxing, or weight training class, but rather a relaxing or energizing class, depending on your symptoms. Consult your physician before taking any of these classes, or attempting to perform any of these yoga poses.

However, I learned that there is a misconception among some that yoga is only about relaxation. There are some basic yoga “asanas” such as “Sun Salutation”, “Mountain Pose”, “Cobra” or even surprisingly “Warrior 2” that can be motivating for your body. Tight muscles all over your body, back, shoulders, legs, and arms, including your facial expressions, can be a factor in your pain, and calming your nervous system will help relax them. For the most effective benefits, I personally recommend skipping harsh yoga and other intense workouts and emphasizing meditation and stretching. You are never too young or too old to reap the health benefits of yoga. Since each of the names they pose sounds intimidating to you, believe me, it is very easy to follow. Find out and find out for yourself how yoga poses’ will help you relax, refresh and restart your engine, spirit, mind and body.

Yoga is the best natural way to receive *

stay healthy. Think healthy. body and mind. There is more scientific evidence that yoga offers health benefits than just mind relaxation, breathing exercises, meditation, muscle stretching, strength, and flexibility.

Health benefits for muscles, bones and jointsNot only can it improve your endurance, but regular yoga exercises can help keep your body strong, as it involves all muscle areas in performing any of the “asanas” ~ “asanas” ~ to stabilize and balance postures, and strengthen your feet, hands, shoulders, lower back, abs, hip, legs, and shoulders. The stretching and breathing exercises in yoga improve your flexibility, which helps your joints, tendons, and muscles stay limber. As with treating back pain, try soothing and gentle exercises, such as the “corpse” pose. Yoga is often prescribed to help treat various injuries*, including repetitive strain injuries, knee and back injuries, hamstring strains, and even minor skin burns. Improve bone density: Yoga is also said to be an excellent weight-bearing exercise that can improve your bone density; It is especially beneficial for women nearing menopause, as yoga can help ward off osteoporosis, or thinning of the bones.

Treat depressionA recent study stated that yoga helps your body produce serotonin, a natural antidepressant, and helps lower cortisol levels, which are elevated in people with depression. A study showed that people who took a one-hour yoga class, three times a week for two months, said they felt less depressed, angry, and anxious. Most of them felt that their depression had shifted into remission.

Benefits of the cardiovascular systemYoga has tremendous health benefits for your heart. Powerful “asanas” or “asanas” keep the blood flowing with an emphasis on breathing. It is cardio conditioning that strengthens the core muscles while keeping blood and oxygen circulating throughout the body. People with high blood pressure can benefit greatly from yoga, as it can actually lower the heart rate and blood pressure.

Boosting antioxidants to strengthen the immune system: Regular yoga practice helps boost antioxidants throughout the body, resulting in a stronger immune system and increased ability to heal faster against illness or injury. Treat autoimmune diseases: It can reduce symptoms often caused by these diseases, such as stiffness, malaise, fatigue, and weakness.

Reduces anxiety and stress: Yoga is an effective form of psychotherapy. Because yoga is a form of meditation, it leads to a sense of inner peace and purpose. It has been used to help treat a wide range of emotional and mental disorders, including severe anxiety, depression, and mood swings. Even children can benefit from yoga. Those with ADHD can learn relaxation and control by using yoga breathing and yoga “asanas” ~ “asanas”. Insomnia treatment: Regular yoga practice can help treat insomnia, promoting better and deeper sleep. The more you sleep, the less pain your brain will produce. Plus, it can help fight fatigue and keep you energized throughout the day.

* Please always consult your physician before attempting any yoga poses and movements or using yoga as a treatment for any injury!

I hope you find this somewhat useful. Until then, here’s an inspiring quote I’d like to share with you:

“The mind is everything, what you think you become” ~ Buddha

Until then, stay safe and stay positive in your mind and heart!

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