Dirty boxing techniques to use to win real street fights


There are dirty fighting techniques that help one win a fight whether it is inside the ring or in the streets. The main thing about street fighting is that street fights are usually unpredictable and street fighters don’t stop until they get what they want. This usually involves serious weapons and is on top of something insignificant. If you find yourself in this situation, fighting for protection may be the only thing going through your mind and doing what you need to do to survive.

Now if the scenario allows for more time to think etc., there are some techniques that the boxer should keep in mind. As mentioned earlier, these indicators will also work inside the boxing ring. The first technique would be the thumbs to biceps technique. This is done when you recognize an opponent throwing a blow in your direction; It may be difficult for you to hit them in the face. It is suggested instead to forcefully throw a biceps hook with the thumb pointed; This will pretty much give them a charlie horse and render this arm useless. This is dirty trick number one.

Another great method is called hip binding. Almost self-explanatory and not an illegal punch during a match, throw a hook into the opponent’s hip. This will temporarily immobilize them allowing you to prepare for a more damaging strike. The next blow will be an elusive elbow. Throw a big jump but aim at your elbow to hit the opponent’s chest. This can hurt him, possibly knock the wind out of him, but it may even touch his chin – allowing you to attack again.

The last technique is the palm hook punch, which again seems counterintuitive. This is when you throw a hook punch towards the opponent’s head or temple, up to the ear, with the palm down since there is no padding in the palm when wearing boxing gloves.

There are some indications of some dirty boxing techniques done in the ring, if any of these techniques were used outside the ring without gloves; Of course they would be more painful and damaging to any fighter on the receiving end. These are guaranteed effective, but they are not suggested to be used all the time in legal matches. Great boxers shouldn’t have resorted to such techniques, but that doesn’t mean other fighters won’t try them. Be prepared either way!

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